Checkpoints Online

Checkpoints magazine is the Association of Graduates' signature communications piece. From its humble beginnings as a black and white news print in 1965 to the award-winning publication you are reading today, the magazine has evolved into a visual showcase of USAFA. Yet despite its evolutionary track across the decades, this publication still seeks the same objective that it did at the time of its inception: to tell the Academy and graduate stories.

Click here for information about our new annual memorial publication, launching in 2025.

June 2024

The June issue includes:

  • Lt. Gen. Richard Clark’s retirement ceremony and news about his replacements.
  • The third and final piece in a series about the Institute for Future Conflict.
  • A roundup of a record-breaking 1Day1USAFA.
  • News about the four newest Air Force Academy Foundation Board directors.
  • A feature on the newest honorary member of the Association of Graduates.
  • A deep dive into one grad's quest to solve the Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan mystery.

Also, check out photo essays on airmanship and major construction projects around USAFA — and, of course, the Class of 2024’s graduation ceremony!

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