AOG Board Governance Structure

Bylaws Changes:

The Board may make updates to the Bylaws.

A member may propose a Bylaws Change to a Board member for consideration of the Board or may submit proposed amendments for vote of the membership by obtaining the signatures of members representing at least five percent of all voting members.

Board of Directors:

The Board consists of 16 Directors consisting of eleven (11) elected Directors, four appointed Directors, and an ex-officio director who serves as CAS president. Elected and Appointed Directors serve four-year terms and may serve a maximum of two consecutive four-year terms.


Elections are held biennially in odd-numbered years.


The Nominating Committee is a statutory committee of the board. The Nominating Committee seeks, recruits and maintains a pool of qualified candidates for service on the Board and as members of Board Committees. Any AOG member may have his/her name placed on the election ballot, without review by the Nominating Committee, by petition of 25 other AOG members.

AOG members interested in serving on the Board or a Board Committee should review the requirements of directors, the nominating procedures and, if further information is required, should contact the chair of the nominating committee or the AOG.

In November of even-numbered years, the Nominating Committee must submit to the Board a slate containing at least two candidates for each vacancy to be filled.

Class Advisory Senate:

The Bylaws establish a Class Advisory Senate to provide advice and opinion to the Board of Directors. The Senate consists of a representative from each class selected by the class. The Senate will meet at least once annually.

Meetings of the Board:

The Board holds quarterly meetings, typically in February (virtually), April, July, and October. Meetings are open to all members who can attend in person. The Board posts minutes of the meetings on the website as well as the agenda for the next meeting: typically two weeks prior to the Board date.

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Graduates unified to support the Air Force Academy's highest ideals and legacy ...


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