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Make a Gift

Make a Gift

Donation Frequency

Donation Frequency


Designations - Choose a fund or all giving opportunities to give to multiple funds. To qualify for the Sabre Society, your gift of $1,000 or more must be designated to the Air Force Academy Fund. Required Field
Donor Information

I am a(n): Required Field
I am a(n):

Contact Information

Email: Required Field

Additional Information

Employer Matching GiftEmployer Matching Gift

Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. To find out if your company has such a program, please enter your employer's name.

If you are retired and your last employer does not offer matching gifts for retirees, please type "Retired" in the search bar. This will ensure that you don't receive any follow-up emails about matching gifts.

Please email ( or send your company's matching gift form to:

Air Force Academy Foundation
3116 Academy Drive
USAF Academy, CO 80840

In Honor/Memory of Someone SpecialIn Honor/Memory of Someone Special

In cases where the family has expressed a preference, the Air Force Academy Foundation will honor the request of the family when sending acknowledgments for memorial gifts.
Gift InstructionsGift Instructions

Information about your giftInformation about your gift
  • All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law.
  • In accordance with Air Force Academy Foundation guidelines, 10% of all gifts are allocated for unrestricted use, to be used for one or more of the following purposes: cadet programs; support for the Association of Graduates and other Academy-affiliated foundations; and operations of the Air Force Academy Foundation.