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Randy Helms Class Of 1979
Randy, a member of the Class of 1979, currently serves as the President of the Colorado Springs City Council. He is involved in various Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Concurrently, Randy served two terms as President of the AOG Class Advisory Senate and was on the AOG Board of Directors. Randy worked with the USAFA Endowment/Foundation for over three years, raising private funds for the Academy. Before that, he held various civilian leadership positions at the Air Staff and National Defense University. Randy and his wife, Donna, have sponsored and mentored multiple cadets. Colonel (Retired) Randy Helms served over 29 years on active duty. He was assigned to numerous strategic and DV airlift units, commanded at the flying squadron and ops group level, and served three Pentagon tours. As an AOC, he mentored cadets to become officers of character. His staff assignments included Air Staff, Joint Staff, OSD, and USTRANSCOM. Randy was also an international student at the Indian Defence Services Staff College. His last military assignment was at the National Defense University as NDU Chief of Staff. He is a former command pilot with over 5,000 hours in the T-39, C-141, TG-7A, C-21, and C-5 aircraft.
Candidacy Statement
As President of the Colorado Springs City Council and the AOG Class Advisory Senate (CAS), I’ve devoted myself to serving our Air Force, our Academy, the graduate community, and the AOG. I’ve served as my class’s senator in the CAS since its establishment in 2007. My passion for serving is evident in my daily actions and I am deeply committed to the continued success of the Air Force Academy.
Our Academy is a national treasure requiring more than public funding. This led me to co-chair the 40th Reunion Gift Committee, which raised $1.78 million for the “Spirit 03” AC-130 memorial and the Madera Cyber Innovation Center. These initiatives are a testament to the Academy's potential.
I supported bylaw changes for the Single CEO structure and “membership for all.” I have also driven changes by gathering input from class senators on current issues and conveying their comments to the AOG leadership. Being President of the Colorado Springs City Council allowed me to serve on multiple Boards and Commissions addressing city issues that intersect with our Academy. I strongly advocate for strengthening the Academy's and Colorado Springs's relationship, and I will leverage this experience to enhance our AOG board further.